Select Invoices

A new feature introduced today is the ability to construct invoices with specific transactions on them and nothing else. Normally an invoice contains all appropriate (reconciled, approved) transactions that haven’t been attached to a previous invoice.

Select Invoices are invoices that contain only Selected transactions. In Administration | Transactions you will be able to find transactions that can be selected. Note that selecting a transaction does not make it qualify for invoicing. This is simply a method to eliminate unwanted transactions from an invoice.

Begin by finding the transactions you wish to invoice. You can search by shipment number and tracking number. Check the transactions you want and click Select to mark them. A tick will appear beside the transaction number. The Unselect button reverses this.

Selecting Transactions

Once you have selected the transactions you wish to invoice, go to Administration | Reconciliation | Invoicing where you can see the invoices ready to go out. Select the customer and click Preview Select Invoice to view what this invoice will look like. When you are ready use Post Select Invoice or File Select Invoice.

Previewing a Select Invoice

Excluding Selected Transactions

If you want to simply remove a transaction from an invoice you can follow these steps:

  1. File a Select Invoice containing only the unwanted transactions
  2. File the non-Select invoice (which won’t have the previously invoiced transactions)
  3. Cancel the Select Invoice releasing the unwanted transactions for a future invoice