Category Archives: Features

Updates or changes that involve adding new capabilities to the system.


Quickbooks Invoice Export

We are pleased to announce a major feature for accounting departments.  It is now possible to batch export customer invoices to Quickbooks, saving a considerable amount of time taking and error prone manual work.

One of the most complex issues accountants struggle with when it comes to integrating Quickbooks with our system is the handling of taxes.  Shipping taxes in Canada are not flat applications of local provincial law which makes it impossible for Quickbooks to apply its own automatic taxation rules.  Using our export system makes this trivial as taxes are pre-calculated and entered directly into the appropriate tax accounts.

This tutorial will introduce the Quickbooks Export feature and guide you through configuration.

Configuring Quickbooks

When invoices are created in Quickbooks there are two elements to consider.  We will not be itemizing the contents of the Noviship invoice, just the total amount and the taxes.  The pre-tax total on the invoice will be associated with a single Quickbooks account and invoice item.

Invoice Account

You will need to know which account invoices will be posted to.  Typically this is “Accounts Receivable” but your configuration may differ.  Check your Chart of Accounts for the name.

Sales Account

Next you will need to have a suitable Account for the sales portion of the invoices.  Typically the Account would be labelled something like “Sales”.  To set up a sales account, go to Lists | Chart of Accounts and find a suitable account or create a new one.

Adding an account in Quickbooks (Lists | Chart of Accounts | New)

You should use an “Income” type account to represent sales but the rest of the configuration is up to you.

Creating a new Account

Sales Item

Next you should ensure you have a suitable item to match to the sales part of the invoice.  You can do this by viewing your item list (Lists | Item List) and determining which one to use or if you need to create a new item.

New Item

The item type should be “Service” but that’s not critical, and you should associate it with the sales account you selected earlier.

Quickbooks Tax Setup

Because Noviship will enter the sales tax items directly (rather than have Quickbooks calculate them) you will need to be familiar with the tax items and accounts.

You can view your tax setup by going to Sales Tax | Manage Sales Tax.

Viewing your Sales Tax Configuration

For each tax line item in an invoice, Noviship will need to match it to three things in Quickbooks: the Agency, the Tax Account and the Tax Item.

Note in the screenshot that the Agency, Accounts and the Sales Tax Item Names are highlighted.  The Agency determines the format of the sales tax return and your choice will depend on your province.  In Quebec, for example, sales tax is remitted to the Ministère du Revenu for both federal and provincial tax.

Setting up Noviship

To configure Noviship to export Quickbooks data, log in to your operating account (ensure you are not impersonating a customer) and go to Home | Preferences | Quickbooks.

Quickbooks Configuration

The Quickbooks configuration comprises a number of rules, one per currency.  If you operate a single currency business then you can use only one rule and leave the currency as “Any Currency”.

In the “Invoice Account”, “Sales Account” and “Sales Invoice Item” fields enter the Invoice Account, Sales Account and Sales Item you selected in Quickbooks earlier.  Ensure the spelling and formatting is exactly the same.

Next you will need to match each Sales Tax to the appropriate account in Quickbooks.

Sales Tax Setup

For each Sales Tax, match the “Tax Account”, “Tax Agency” and “Tax Item” to the names you selected in Quickbooks earlier.  Again ensure the spelling is an exact match (copy and paste if you can).

Once you have completed this form, submit the changes to activate the Quickbooks Export feature.

Customer Names

When exporting an invoice, Noviship will include the customer data necessary to create a Customer Account in Quickbooks if one does not exist.  If you already have customer accounts in Quickbooks, it is possible that you have different names compared to the accounts in Noviship.  In Noviship you can (optionally) enter an Accounting Name (Administration | Customers | Edit and set the Accounting Name field.

Accounting Name

If this field is blank, the system will simply use the regular customer name.

Exporting an Invoice

Go to Administration | Invoices and simply select (check) the invoices you wish to export.  Then click the button named “Export to Quickbooks” to produce a Quickbooks IIF file.

Export to Quickbooks

This file can be imported into Quickbooks via File | Utilities | Import | IIF Files…

Import IIF

This process will import the selected invoices and also, if necessary, create the matching customer accounts using Noviship customer data.


Important: You must disable “Use account numbers” in the Quickbooks Company Preferences.  Quickbooks will be unable to match our data to existing accounts otherwise due to a limitation in the Quickbooks importer.

Disable Use Account Numbers

Important: Quickbooks allows you to have accounts that are sub-accounts of other accounts.  You cannot do this for any of the accounts in this guide.  The Invoice Account, Sales Account, Sales Item and Tax Accounts must all be at the root – i.e. they cannot be sub-accounts.

Invoice Alignment

Invoice Alignment is our term for limiting the contents of an invoice to a particular period.  Typically you would use this when a customer only wants shipments for one month at a time on their invoices.

For example, if your customer wants an invoice in July that only has June shipments in it, even though they have billable July shipments, you would use this feature.

This is a per-customer setting so you edit it in the Customer Properties.

Invoice Alignment Invoice Alignment Options

Setting Invoice Alignment to None has no effect.  Setting it to Previous Week means that the shipment date must not be in the current week in order to appear on the invoice.  Shipments older than the previous week will appear so this cut-off only affects the most recent shipments.  Setting it to Previous Month has a similar effect but the cut-off date is pushed back to the end of the last calendar month.

Batch Shipments

Our interface has been designed primarily around creating and submitting a single shipment at a time. However for heavier users it is useful to process multiple shipments at once. Some users will regularly have a list of shipments that need to be submitted that has been produced by another system. In this document we will introduce a new feature aimed at addressing these cases.

What are Batch Shipments?

Each shipment in our system can be viewed and processed independently. However, shipments can also exist in containers called “Batch Shipments”. Working with shipments inside a batch allows one to modify, quote, ship and void multiple shipments at once.

In addition it is possible to import shipments into a batch from a CSV file which can be useful for integration with external order systems.

You can access the Batch Shipments through Home | Batch Shipments

Batch Shipments Menu


During development this menu option is only available to partners but the URLs (/batch/new, /batch/1) are available to all shippers.

When you create a new Batch you will see the Batch Shipment page.

An empty batch shipment
An empty batch shipment

You can now add shipments to this batch in two ways:

Manual Entry

Click “Add Shipment” to add a shipment to the batch.  When you click the button a new row will be added and you can edit the fields directly.  Note that not all shipment fields are currently available in this interface but you can treat each shipment as a regular individual shipment by clicking on the Shipment Number (the first item in the row).

Importing from a CSV file

If you have a flat file consisting of one row per shipment, you can import it into the batch by clicking on “Import”.  When you do this you will be asked to upload the file.

Importing a CSV file containing multiple shipments
Importing a CSV file containing multiple shipments

The interface that appears once you upload the CSV file allows you to assign a meaning (field) to each column.  You do this by scrolling to the column of interest and selecting a field from the drop down box at the top of the column.

Each shipment you import will have the default shipper and consignee according to the user account that owns the batch.  (The owner is the user account that created the batch.)  Therefore you only need to import the columns that contain non-default data – typically the consignee address and package weight.

Saving your Field Map

If you do this import regularly you can save the map you have created by clicking “Save Map” and giving it a name.  After that you can click “Use a Saved Field Map” to retrieve it in future batch shipments.

Saving the column assignments in a customer account makes regular batch imports much quicker
Saving the column assignments in a customer account makes regular batch imports much quicker

If the CSV file you imported includes a header, remember to de-select that row.  Once ready you can click “Import Selection” to create the shipments.

Click Import Selection to import the selected shipment rows
Click Import Selection to import the selected shipment rows

When you have finished importing the shipments you can click “Return to Batch” to return to the batch shipment editor.

Editing Shipments

Each row in the Batch Shipment Editor can be modified.  If you enter data into the column header it is applied to all shipments in the batch.

Quoting Shipments

When your shipments are ready you can check them and click “Quote” to retrieve quotes.

Quoting Shipments

Each shipment that has been quoted will have the quote options displayed in the last column.  By default the cheapest quote is selected.

Submitting Shipments

Once a shipment has been quoted you can “Submit” it which means it will become manifested and the waybills will be generated.

Each manifested shipment will have an icon beside the shipment status which provides access to the documents (waybills, manifests, etc).

Access shipment documents by clicking on the document icon
Access shipment documents by clicking on the document icon

You can also click “Download Waybills” to retrieve a single PDF containing every waybill for the shipments in this batch.

Exporting Data

The “Export” button produces a CSV file with data for each shipment, including status and tracking number.

De-Caching Invoices

Although invoices are, effectively, just a collection of transactions (see Invoicing Concepts for some background) the underlying data can change.  For example, customer specific data (such as the customer’s address) could be modified.  Shipment details can also change over time.  However once you “post” an invoice the created PDF is static.  Even if you change the customer’s address, when you download a posted invoice it looks exactly as it did when you posted it.

This can be a useful element in transactional accounting as the document is unchanging.  However if a customer asks you to re-print their invoice with a different address you would be faced with having to cancel the invoice and produce a new one.

We have now introduced the concept of “de-caching” invoices.  When an invoice is de-cached it means we eliminate the PDF and the next time it is downloaded or viewed the PDF must be re-constructed with the latest data.

Invoice De-Cache Command
Invoice De-Cache Command


Insurance Provisions

Many carriers provide an optional insurance service and customers can take advantage of this service by specifying the value of the items in the package insurance field.

Package Insurance Field
Package Insurance Field

This information is passed to the carrier during quoting and if insurance is available the price will be included in the quote.

Carrier insurance is typically expensive compared to third-party insurance and account holders often receive no discounts. This provides an opportunity to benefit (and profit) from third-party services.

Insurance Provisions

Multiple Insurance Provisions can be created representing multiple third-party insurance providers or differing configurations/pricing schedules for the same provider. The provision defines properties such as the limits, minimum charge, currency and the premium rates.

Insurance Provision Configuration
Insurance Provision Configuration

Each customer can be assigned to a specific Insurance Provision or none (i.e. insurance is provided by the carrier if available). Once assigned to a provision, all requests for insurance will be processed using the configuration defined for the insurance provision.

Each customer can also have an insurance premium value. If empty or zero, the premium calculated in the provision is used. If the number is positive, this is the premium (e.g. “2” is 2% of the insurance value). If negative, this is a percentage discount on the calculated premium. Regardless of this value, if the insurance provision has a minimum fee this will override the customer specific premium.

Insurance Category

When a shipment is being prepared and the insurance requested changes from zero for a customer assigned to a provision, the “Insurance” section will appear. In this section the customer is asked to select an Insurance Category.

Selecting Insurance Category
Selecting Insurance Category

This category is used to provide the customer with details about the insurance. It does not affect the premium. However, you may configure some categories as being “Disallowed” and with this method you can prevent the customer from attempting to insure certain categories of goods.

Insurance Category Disallowed
Insurance Category Disallowed

The notice is a good place to indicate restrictions and deductibles.

Insurance Category Customer Notice
Insurance Category Customer Notice


When the carrier quotes are produced a line item is added based on the insurance provision. Note that this fee is not included in the cost portion.

Insurance Charge in Quote
Insurance Charge in Quote


At this time it is not possible to grant a different insurance premium to resellers.

Credit Notes

Today we introduced the concept of Credit Notes. A Credit Note is simply a negative invoice. Unless activated on a customer group or a customer account, negative invoices are not possible.

To enable credit notes go to the customer account and enable the checkbox.

Enable Credit Notes

Without credit notes enabled, a negative invoice looks like this:

Invoice with Carry Forward

Notice that the only content on the invoice was negative, resulting in a Carry Forward transaction bringing the total to zero. When posting a negative invoice, a positive carry transaction is attached to the invoice and a detached negative carry transaction is added to the invoicee’s account. In effect, the carry forward is applied to future invoices.

There will be cases, however, where it is necessary to issue a credit note. Enabling the credit note results in this invoice:


Note that the title changes to Credit Note and the total can now be negative.

Select Invoices

A new feature introduced today is the ability to construct invoices with specific transactions on them and nothing else. Normally an invoice contains all appropriate (reconciled, approved) transactions that haven’t been attached to a previous invoice.

Select Invoices are invoices that contain only Selected transactions. In Administration | Transactions you will be able to find transactions that can be selected. Note that selecting a transaction does not make it qualify for invoicing. This is simply a method to eliminate unwanted transactions from an invoice.

Begin by finding the transactions you wish to invoice. You can search by shipment number and tracking number. Check the transactions you want and click Select to mark them. A tick will appear beside the transaction number. The Unselect button reverses this.

Selecting Transactions

Once you have selected the transactions you wish to invoice, go to Administration | Reconciliation | Invoicing where you can see the invoices ready to go out. Select the customer and click Preview Select Invoice to view what this invoice will look like. When you are ready use Post Select Invoice or File Select Invoice.

Previewing a Select Invoice

Excluding Selected Transactions

If you want to simply remove a transaction from an invoice you can follow these steps:

  1. File a Select Invoice containing only the unwanted transactions
  2. File the non-Select invoice (which won’t have the previously invoiced transactions)
  3. Cancel the Select Invoice releasing the unwanted transactions for a future invoice

Shipment Notifications

We now have two additional e-mail notification options for shipments. These are per-shipment options that result in an e-mail being sent to the shipper and/or consignee at the time the shipment is submitted to the carrier.

Email Notification Options

There are two types of notification covered here: Shipper and Consignee. Both messages are templates can be customised at the associate level.

The Shipper notification is intended to provide instructions for the shipping and will include all documents that need to be included with the shipment.

the Consignee notification is intended to provide the receiver of the shipment a link so they can track the shipment progress. The consignee will also be shown their address so it can be verified.

Contact Reference Field

It is now possible to use a Reference field in Address Books. Any text can be placed into this field but ideally it should be a short unique code.

Contact Editor Reference Field

This field serves a special purpose in that if you search using text that matches the reference field of a contact then only that contact will be shown.

Search Contacts by Reference

Saturday Delivery

Saturday Delivery has now been implemented for FedEx and Purolator with other carriers in development. This option permits the Saturday Delivery surcharge to be added where possible.

Saturday Delivery Option

Each carrier has differing restrictions for the service so verify that it applies by looking for the surcharge in the price breakdown and checking the estimated delivery day.

Saturday Delivery Surcharge

The waybills that are produced will clearly show the Saturday Delivery option.

Purolator Saturday Delivery Waybill

FedEx Saturday Delivery on Waybill